Brow Lami for One

Well, well, well… bet you thought I’d never write another “outer” beauty post ever again, eh? Wrong, my friend. So wrong.

I’ve had the chance to try a lot of new products, treatments, and procedures since I was last actively at this whole blog thing. One of the treatments I was rabid to try was brow lamination. After trying REAL hard to make a soap brow work with my stubborn, coarse brow hairs, I thought a lami would be a better option for me. Same look but much, much more of a punch behind how we get there.

Brow lamination is basically like a Keratin treatment for your brows. I also like to say “It’s like a reverse perm… ya know, straightening instead of curling!” because I don’t know shit about perms OR Keratin treatments, at least in regards to personal experience.

I searched for a GOOD, local brow artist who had lamination in their skill set to no avail, so I turned to Instagram for suggestions. The ladies at Lewisville Laser and Aesthetics suggested Breanna at Camel City Beauty Co. I went to her IG and was SOLD! She had 🔥 results that were consistent. Consistency is KEY; we’re all different, so being able to deliver on everyone who comes in your door is worth a thousand words.

I won’t give you a lengthy blow-by-blow of the actual process because I would just be writing a much more rudimentary and scattered version of the Elle article I linked above. Brass tacks: I walked in and got an amazing treatment with amazing results from an awesome gal. I loved it and 100% recommend it, especially for someone with super unruly brows!!! Notes: it doesn’t (and shouldn’t) hurt, though it does smell a bit because hey, chemicals. (It smells much less than, say, a bleaching moment when you’re getting your hair dyed.) It doesn’t take long, and it’s actually pretty relaxing! You finish with a beautifully shaped, tinted, and fluffy+laminated look that straight slays. 🔪

After-care is really easy. Leave ‘em alone for a full day, then tend to your hair with nourishing oil and a spoolie!(If you can’t oil up your brows and brush them at least every night, though, a brow lami is NOT. FOR. YOU!) I use castor oil, jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, rosehip oil… really whatever oil is closest to me. I also sometimes use Egyptian Magic or Olaplex! If my brows feel dry, I tend to them then and there. But bare minimum, NIGHTLY care is required lest you wanna have crusty, brittle brows.

Brow lamination gives you so many gifts! You can skip your normal brow routine. You can style your brows 2 ways without much work (a sharp, shiny look vs. a more fluffy, youthful look). If you have brow hairs that kink or turn down like mine, it starts to encourage your hair growth pattern to shape up.

If you have any remaining questions or concerns, pop ‘em in the comments. I’m happy to delve further for those interested. Otherwise, get your ass to a brow lamination appointment STAT!

Pics of my results from both my first AND second lamination. Don’t we LOVE?! 📷 by: Breanna

Pics of my results from both my first AND second lamination. Don’t we LOVE?! 📷 by: Breanna