Powerhouse Duo: Hydrafacial + Dermaplane

My skin for the past three years… OOF. What a desert it has become. I am truly the embodiment of that meme of the old dried up potato if I miss a single MOMENT of my skin care routine.

I blame my house. It is a HVAC nightmare; a mixture of the driest heat and the moldiest moisture one can imagine. The air is just … off. Moving in here directly coincides with the departure of hydration from my skin. Of course I’m not 14 anymore, but my hormones haven’t completely gone out of whack and destroyed my body yet per my doc, so let’s just say this arid epidermis is a LOT of column A with a tinge of column B.

Lots of research has gone down on this laptop the last few years in order to find the best ways to ease my discomfort and ensure my moisture barrier stays intact. One of my best finds along the way was, is, and will continue to be Lewisville Laser and Aesthetics. They brought me back from the BRINK, ya know? Bless ‘em.

I know. I’m sure you wanted some DIY solution that wouldn’t cost a thing. I get it! And while I do have some tips for at-home relief, there are just certain levels of skin wellness you can’t achieve without the right tools and professionals. Don’t shoot the messenger! It’s just the cost of being a human skin bag. {And before you say it, I see it! The rub is that not everyone can AFFORD to go see an esthetician (or even a general dermatologist — don’t get me started on this country’s damn healthcare). You are RIGHT! And it’s not fair. So please do not over-extend your budget or feel *~iNfLuEnCeD~* to do something you don’t PERSONALLY need just because some girl with a tiny blog told you about a thing she does sometimes. Whew. Sorry. I just have a lot of feelings.}

ANYWAY, our skin bags and all. They need help sometimes. And I get my help from the gals over in Lewisville. When I had my very first consult, Dr. Summer laid out all my options, as well as a sort of step-by-step plan. I ended up ordering à la carte because that’s what fits with my tight schedule and tighter wallet. First up for me? A hydrafacial. I’d seen them all over Instagram and was totally excited to try it. Yes… I was heavily, obviously… INFLUENCED! (Do as I say, not as I do.)

A HydraFacial is like if a regular facial, the most gentle sandpaper available, a vacuum, and your skincare routine all had a baby. It exfoliates, moisturizes, and extracts all at once using what looks like a little marker, but is actually something called a HydroPeel tip attached to a machine that’s probably smarter than I am. You can get boosters for your eyes and lips if ya want. You can really customize the whole facial situation depending on what you and your esty feel like is best for you skin’s needs.

I rolled up to my hydrafacial appointment more ready than a teenage boy watching FedEx finally deliver his pre-ordered Playstation 5. When I got into the spa room, all I had to do was lie on my back in a dark, relaxing space, all-the-while having my dry skin gently sloughed off to reveal a new and hydrated layer. Easy, eh? As for how long it took, I’m not sure in all honesty. I feel it was around an hour? But I didn’t pay attention to the clock because I was a million miles away.

Before I left with my glorious new skin, my esty let me see the gunk the hydrafacial pulled. Even though she said mine wasn’t too bad, it was still NOT OKAY! Like what even was IN MY PORES?! Life does a number on our poor little skin cells! But it didn’t matter because I was glowing and already primed for my next one.

The hydrafacial is the old facial format zhuzhed up a bit. The hydrafacial PLUS a dermaplane? Well, that’s next level.

Dermaplaning has been chatted about for at least the last 4 years HEAVILY, so I won’t bore you with anything other than the absolute minimum. Using a scalpel, the top layer of your skin (including your peach fuzz) is shaved off! It’s a method of physical exfoliation that helps to even skin, speed up cell turnover, and help your skin absorb product better. I dreamt of the dewy skin this 1-2 punch would reveal, so next time I booked a dermaplane WITH my hydrafacial.

And oh my, did my facial feel like it just STUCK more when I paired it with dermaplaning. The benefits felt like they lasted longer, and I felt like more of my withered skin came off than with just the hydrafacial itself. The two as partners have definitely wedged their way into my skin wellness plan for good.

My overall take? No, this won’t solve all your skin’s woes. Yes, there are some reasons you may not be able to get one or either of these procedures depending on your skin type and/or active skin issues. But if you are cleared to go, this will definitely boost your skincare routine and overall skin health to get you in a good place. Basically, think of a hydrafacial + dermaplane as your skin’s version of a teeth cleaning. It’s a solution if you’ve been slacking, but it’s MOST beneficial as a preventative if you keep it up regularly.

I have the sudden urge to book an appointment with the gals… drop me questions if ya got ‘em!