Rachel Noel

COVID Coping

Rachel Noel
COVID Coping

Last year was a LOT! Not to pile on the triteness, but fuck 2020, dude. What a dumpster fire.

But with every torrential downpour comes silver linings. I mentioned these before… at least, mentioned my own discovered silver linings such as returning to regular reading and *trying* to be a better/more consistent cook.

I studied (distantly, of course) these silver linings—the way both awesome people I know AND complete strangers coped with the big traumas of last year paired with the mass trauma of COVID. And while the Karens of the world exposed themselves with fervor, I saw a lot of healthy outlets and overall beauty sprout from the seeds planted in the manure mountain that was 2020.

One of my friends started a virtual coffee club! (The idea: share your coffee in the a.m. with that hashtag and “hang out” on IG.) So simple, but it was so fun seeing how different people took their coffee, as well as the environments in which they consumed it.

I saw people churn out amazing art. (Some of it has since turned into full-fledged businesses!) I saw so many delish baked goods and entrees pop up on my IG feed. CULTIVATION OF ALL THE PLANTS! So many creative earrings and unique (sometimes delightfully bougie) sweat sets. Beautiful music and some lovely home design. *Chef’s kiss* to it all.

There was a beautiful coming together of most of our country when we had to protest George Floyd’s death and all his death stood for. I saw people come together to fund people’s lives so they didn’t go homeless or hungry during the circumstantial mass unemployment. And what about that coming together for voter registration and actually getting out to vote, SO MUCH SO that we set a record for a turnout?! Togetherness all around, even with lots of publicized division; you could find commonalities in 2020 if you intentionally sought them out.

The holidays were weird and sad. I had a friend working all the way through the holidays at the hospital. I witnessed a few folks I know who were down one or more family members for their year’s “festivities”. Lots of us had to spend these otherwise special times alone or with our very small Q bubbles. BUT I watched folks wrap presents for themselves and turn on a favorite Christmas movie without wallowing. Not that there would have been anything wrong with wallowing because I also watched people allow themselves to more comfortably and openly wallow about the unusual vibe that surrounded the normally celebratory time in our lives.

I noticed I had more time to check in with my people and myself. The increase in my check-ins wasn’t necessarily award-worthy, but it was definitely enough to encourage me to keep improving and make it more of a habit moving forward. And I wasn’t the only one; I saw many of my pals doing this as well.

As I finish writing this entry—another one that has taken months to complete for some reason—I find myself sheepishly hopeful. I decided to spend my New Year’s Eve doing some things I wanted to either keep a priority or make a priority throughout 2021. Because if we still can’t safely party Gatsby-style in a crowded room, counting down the days until Covid has been defeated, why not come up with more ways to safely cope until that precious moment?

My coping this year will look like: a continued focus on my health; catching up more with best friends; trying to laugh more (even if it feels strange right now); organizing/cleaning until I feel consistent peace in my space and my head; continuing and ramping up my investment portfolio + budgeting endeavors; prioritizing consistent reading + writing + snapshots + podcast listening; working even harder for a few months so I can get life balance back; staying in touch with my sobriety and GOOD/nutritious food; returning to my musical roots; and GETTING BACK TO LOVING ME + letting her be authentic and free.

While 2021 had a bit of a rocky start, I have faith things will start to mellow as we continue coping the best we can in our own ways. What kinda new Covid coping are you diving into in 2021? And did I miss any noteworthy coping moments from anyone in 2020? I know I left a ton out I bore witness to because there were so many! Til next time, babes.