Catching Up

I’ve been gone for what feels like ages, so while I wanna get to the content that isn’t completely me-me-me, I do wanna catch up. So grab some coffee and let’s chat!

  • This virus, am I right? Honestly, I don’t know what more I can say. It’s so….. large. Stay strong and healthy, okay?

  • #same for……. *gestures widely at everything going on in the world*

  • I’ve been successfully diagnosed and treated re: my mental health. Pretty legit, guys. PRETTY PRETTY LEGIT!

  • These last couple of years, my skin has been simultaneously the clearest, yet also most problematic of my life. I’ll explain that paradox later.

  • If you follow on Insta, you’ll see I moved back to my beloved Camel City exactly 2 years ago. Into it.

  • This pandemic has allowed me the time and space to get back to reading on a regular basis. Silver linings, as I mentioned last post.

  • My skills re: budgeting and spending have evolved to straight legend status since the last time I was here regularly. More on that later as well. (BASICALLY MORE ON EVERYTHING LATER, K?!)

  • I’m almost a year sober. I started this medication on which it’s advised not to drink, and well, I didn’t drink often at that point anyway, so why not, right? But after a buncha great mornings hangover-free, I remembered how I’ve loved the years I seldom drank way more than the ones in which I did, so I stuck with a 0% proof life despite all the “come on, you have have ONE”s. I adopted the term sober maybe 6 months in? Something that scared me at first because I thought 1., it signified something I wasn’t and 2., I would be stepping on the toes of a HUGE community I’d never want to disrespect. Then I explored that community—the sober one—and found there actually WAS a place for me and others who simply wanted to stop drinking due to a complete disinterest in drinking (and drinking culture). And this place is rad, man.

  • I wear scrunchies now. I don’t wanna talk about it; I said I would never do this again, yet here we are.

  • I’m like, a gardenerrrrr. And also (debatedly) a cook. How quaint and homey!

  • I’ve really fallen off the wagon when it comes to two of the things I honestly love: makeup and “fashion.” Fashion sounds snobby when you look at my personal wardrobe, but a gal just loves to slap on a cute outfit and a face of makeup because personal fancies, ya know? What with my skin changes, the never-ending stress of work (understaffing has been, like, a THING for 1.5-2 years aka I’M TIRED), and now working from home, I just haven’t been great about participating in these 2 things I genuinely enjoy; they make me feel better… a kinda outside in effect. Hoping to get back on that horse!

  • I’ve mastered a couple of different cold coffee/brew recipes that bring me life and will hopefully bring you life when I share.

  • Left some toxic situations/people; working through some currently as well. I’ve finally learned you can continuously work on weeding out the toxic traits within your life/yourself versus ONLY when a situation absolutely calls for it due to its severity. And if a person or a situation in your life isn’t serving you, it’s actually okay to give them a chance try to work on themselves. (I know there are a thousand memes saying you do not have to do this; that you “owe no one an explanation if you leave because they’re toxic to you”, but hey, maybe folks legit don’t know what they’re doing; some people don’t even understand the concept of toxicity, let alone how to address it. Exceptions ALWAYS of course! But otherwise, ya know, give each other a little grace! If said people aren’t interested on self-improvement on their end after you speak up, then that’s that of course.)

  • Oh god, the overworked stress weight plus The Q weight? WHEW CHILE! No joke. But looking forward to all the nutritious goodness I’ll get to eat and all the new exercises I’ll fall in love with getting back to my healthiest self.

I feel like there’s so much more. Trust me, I feel how long I’ve been gone as much as y’all. But let’s leave it there, shall we? Your turn! I wanna know what you’ve been up to. Drop some comments below. Nothing is too big or too small. And seriously — I WANNA HEAR ABOUT YOUR LIVES! You matter to me. Hell, you matter no matter what. Sending you love ‘til next time 🖤